Scandinavian Physiological Society Annual Meeting
September 17 – 20, 2015
The Scandinavian Physiological Society will organize its next annual meeting in collaboration with the Pharmacological Societies of the Scandinavian countries in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2015.
Programme and information
The aim of the meeting is to promote scientific dissemination and collaboration broadly speaking in the area of physiology, pharmacology, pathophysiology and therapeutics through scientific discussions.
The Scandinavian Physiological Society Meeting will take place at the University Campus in Aarhus in September 2015. The meeting is expected to draw approximately 200-250 participants. The costs are borne by the participants and by sponsor arrangements.
The program is exciting with presentations by the leading Scandinavian and European and American researchers within the field, although agreements are not settled with all of the main speakers. The preliminary program is attached for your information.
The partnership agreements are described below. Should you have questions regarding the meeting or the partnership agreement, please contact me via the advertised contact information below.
The exhibition will take place on September 18 – 20, 2015.
For more information, follow this link: Invitation to participate as exhibitor during the Scandinavian Physiological Society Meeting in Copenhagen
More information on the exhibition and sponsorships:
Aarhus Universitet
Nordre Ringgade 1, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Please contact Jan Nordkvist via, if you wish to participate or need further information.
Exhibition price and Booking
EXHIBITION SPACE only – DKK 2,000 pr. m2 (excl VAT)
Space only, exhibition including one table, two chairs and one power socket.
Please inform us how many m2 you need.
F&B for 2 stand representatives.
As an official partner of the meeting, you can choose between the following partnerships:
GOLD Partner – DKK 25,000 (excl VAT)
9 m2 (3 x 3 m) – space only, exhibition including one table, two chairs and one power socket.
One promotional leaflet or marketing item of your choice in the delegate bags
Full-size advertisement in the meeting program
Company name/logo and 200-word company summary in official meeting program
Company name/logo on the conference stationary
Company name/logo on the society website
Three complimentary meeting registrations, including access to social program and conference dinner
Exclusive sponsorship of two symposia – company acknowledged by the chair and in the printed program
SILVER Partner – DKK 15,000 (excl VAT)
6 m2 (3 x 2 m) – space only, exhibition including one table, two chairs and one power socket
One promotional leaflet or marketing item of your choice in the delegate bags
Half-size advertisement in the meeting program
Company name/logo and 150-word company summary in official meeting program
Company name/logo on the conference stationary
Company name/logo on top of sessions blocks
Company name/logo on the society website
Two complimentary meeting registrations, including access to social program and conference dinner
BRONZE Partner – DKK 10,000 (excl VAT)
6 m2 (3 x 2 m) – space only, exhibition including one table, two chairs and one power socket
Company name/logo and 100-word company summary in official meeting program
Company name/logo on the conference stationary
Company name/logo on the society website
One complimentary meeting registration, including access to social program and conference dinner
Company name/logo and 100-word company summary in official meeting program
Company name/logo on the conference stationary
Company name/logo on the society website
The exhibition stands will be allocated in the break area, where coffee and lunch is served close to the conference rooms.
