Terms and Conditions for exhibitors

Exhibiting companies and products shall be approved by Con.Ex. An approved company may exhibit products, devices and services, provided that these products, devices and services comply with Danish laws and regulations and the Danish Ethical Rules for Promotion of Medicinal Products towards Healthcare Professionals, hvis den udstillende virksomhed er medlem af Lif eller reguleret af Etisk Nævn for Lægemiddelindustrien (ENLI). Virksomheder, der reguleres af ENLI, skal give meddelelse til ENLI om udstillingen. Virksomheder der er underlagt Medicoindustrien skal følge Medtech Europes Code of Ethical Business Practice som er de etiske retningslinjer for MedicoindustrienCon.Ex udbyder udstillingsmulighed, selv om et program ikke er specifikt sundhedsplejefagligt, uddannelsesmæssigt eller endeligt.

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to comply with the above mentioned laws and regulations. Con.Ex reserves the right to refuse exhibition stand rental or to terminate a contract, if a company fails to comply with the laws and regulations.

Exhibition stand allocation and costs
Con.Ex shall allocate all exhibition stands and reserves the right to alter the original exhibition stand allocation. Con.Ex shall inform the exhibitor’s contact person hereof.

Exhibition stand costs shall be outlined on www.conex.dk for each event.

Exhibition stands will always be placed near the conference rooms and the professional content of the event. Con.Ex shall strive to place all exhibition stands separately and in sections restricted to healthcare professionals only. Exhibitions may include promotion of prescription medicine, provided that the exhibition stand is separated from the general public as required by Danish laws and regulations.

Con.Ex complies with all VAT rules. The invoice will be mailed from Con.Ex:

Millingvej 20
3450 Allerød, Denmark
Mail: info@conex.dk
VAT: 38350129
Bankonto: 8117-1043727
IBAN: DK0581170001043727
Bank: Nykredit
Bank adresse: Københavnsvej 45-47, 4000 Roskilde

Alterations or cancellations
Cancellations by Con.Ex
Con.Ex kan aflyse arrangementet på grund af uforudsete hændelser (f.eks. officielle foranstaltninger, arbejdskonflikt, force majeure osv.) og kun beholde udstillerens administrationsgebyr. Alle resterende gebyrer skal tilbagebetales. I tilfælde af aflysning af Con.Ex eller arrangørerne, kan intet hotel eller flyselskabs udgifter godtgøres af Con.Ex.

Cancellations by exhibitors
Exhibitors can at any time cancel their exhibition stand rental so long as they inform Con.Ex hereof in writing. Con.Ex shall refund the exhibition stand rental as agreed with the event organiser and the exhibitor. The administrative fee shall be retained to cover administrative costs. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to cancel any reservations (including hotel, flights etc.). Con.Ex reserves the right to resale any exhibition stand cancelled by the exhibitor.

Exhibition stand allocation and activities
Enhver standplads, som ikke er besat ved arrangementets start, vil blive betragtet som en udeblivelse, og den plads vil blive mistet af udstilleren. Med mindre en forsinkelse er blevet anmeldt, vil den mistede stand kunne videresælges eller anvendes af Con.Ex uden forpligtelse til nogen som helst tilbagebetaling. Detm er den udstillende virksomheds ansvar at underrette relevant personale i tide om udstillingens omfang.

The exhibitor cannot share or sublease an exhibition stand to another company, unless otherwise agreed with Con.Ex.

Exhibitors can only display and distribute promotion material and interact with visitors at the exhibition stand.
Aktiviteter på og drift af standen skal udføres på en sådan måde, at arrangementet eller de omkringliggende stande ikke generes. Udstilleren skal føre sine aktiviteter på den købte stand, ikke udenfor, uden forudgående aftale med Con.Ex. Con.Ex er bemyndiget til at udelukke udstilleren fra begivenheden uden tilbagebetaling af omkostninger.

Fire safety
Exhibitors are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all fire and safety requirements and shall comply with the guidelines issued by the venue representative.

Con.Ex shall be liable only for damages or gross negligence, loss of life, bodily harm and impairment to health inflicted at the event venue, on its employees and agents.

The above mentioned limitations of liability shall also apply to the personal liability of employees and representatives of Con.Ex. There shall be no further liability on the part of Con.Ex.

The exhibitor is explicitly urged to make use of his own possibilities of insurance. Con.Ex shall bear no insurance risk on behalf of the exhibitor. Con.Ex assumes that the exhibitor is adequately insured.

Endvidere opfordres udstillere til at indgå forsikringer for følsomme eller værdifulde genstande. Con.Ex påtager sig ikke ansvar for udstilleres ejendomme. Con.Ex hjælper gerne med at håndtere udstillerens materialer, men det er den udstillende virksomheds ansvar og dennes forsikring der dækker.

Visitors and staff
If no other agreement has been made, access shall be restricted to registered visitors and staff aged 18 or older only.

Con.Ex shall take no responsibility for loss or damage to visitors caused by exhibitors or for loss or damage to exhibitors and their equipment/exhibits caused by visitors.

Alterations of terms and conditions
Con.Ex reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time. All alterations are binding for the exhibitor. Any questions not included and/or clarified in these terms and conditions, can be forwarded to info@conex.dk.

Copyright: Con.Ex 2022.