About ConEx
About ConEx
I sommeren 2014 startede ConEx sit virke. Med det store internationale arrangement ICPAN, kastede vi os ud i det. Med en fortid i anden udstillingsadministrationsvirksomhed var erfaringen allerede dengang god og professionalismen høj. I de følgende år har vi ikke gjort andet end at være personlige, oprigtige og fokuserede på at gennemføre de mange arrangementer. Ja faktisk har vi allerede nu over 100 gennemførte arrangementer i ConEx bagagen.
ConEx består af Jan Nordkvist, som er udstillingsleder og ejer, og Rikke Kildetoft og Karen Kirkeby Tscherning, som begge er udstillingsledere og administrative medarbejdere. Vi er et lille og utroligt dedikeret team.
ConEx aims to create equal contact between healthcare professionals and the healthcare industry. It is of the utmost importance to ensure that all parties have the best possible conditions in connection with meetings, symposia, congresses and the like arranged by or for healthcare professionals.
- ConEx negotiates and concludes agreements with healthcare professionals and the event regarding the practicalities of the exhibitors.
- ConEx helps with and participates in event planning.
- ConEx registers companies and is the financial connection.
- ConEx ensures that the exhibition area is prepared and marked according to the sketch of the exhibition. This will be provided the night before the event, to allow all parties enough time to be ready.
- ConEx sikrer, at udstillingstider er beskrevet i det faglige program og opfordrer arrangørerne til at understrege vigtigheden af at besøge udstillingsvirksomhederne. Dette er for at sikre, at samarbejdet mellem virksomhederne som udviklere og sundhedspersonalet kan fortsætte.
- ConEx maintains a directory of approx. 400 companies with an interest in exhibition activities in the health field. Once a collaboration agreement has been entered into with a group of healthcare professionals, invitations will be sent to all companies in the catalog.
Vores salgsteam starter processen for din udstillingsadministration med grundig undersøgelse af potentielle sponsorer. Vi analyserer mulige sponsorindtægter og priser, hvilket gør jeres sponsorer og udstillende virksomheder til en ligeværdig partner.
At udforske alle de bedste sponsor- og udstillingsmuligheder og samtidig sørge for at jeres udstilling forløber planmæssigt, er tidskrævende og komplekst – medmindre I lader os hjælpe jer!
Bare kontakt os for en uformel snak om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe jer bedst.
Listen over ting vi kan hjælpe med, er lang:
- Vi kan udvikle en udstiller- og sponsordatabase
- Vi kan producere pakker, for at tiltrække de bedste sponsorer
- Vi kan indgå aftale med sponsorer
- Vi er det økonomiske bindeled
- Vi er forbindelsen med sponsorer og udstillere
- Vi kan hjælpe sponsorer med at opnå deres målsatte investeringsafkast
- Vi kan udarbejde standplan og udstillingsguider
- Vi kan markedsføre din udstilling på alle relevante fora
- Vi tilbyder fuld udstillingsforvaltning på stedet
- Vi gennemfører risikovurderinger og håndterer sundhed og sikkerhed

ConEx cooperation approach
The early start
First, ConEx identifies possible sponsors and exhibitors for the meeting, always in collaboration with the organizers. Then we agree on what to offer the companies. The invitation is sent out by mail and telephone contact. Throughout the entire process there will be contact with the organizers about the development of the sale.
ConEx receives registrations and orders from the companies and draws up contracts and takes care of any contracts from the companies. We invoice and follow the payments right to the door. A final stand drawing as well as material for the exhibition is being prepared. We are the corporate contact and help with all questions.
On it
We complete all agreements with the organizer, companies and the venue, in connection with the position of the exhibition. Meal breaks are arranged in the exhibition area as well as a fixed stand distribution between the companies. In case of extra requests, we receive orders and budget for this as well as for the entire exhibition. An exhibition manual containing information on set-up and tear-down times, opening hours and technical service questions will be prepared. We will always be there on the day before and during the event itself.
Our focus

The healthcare professionals and the healthcare companies enter into cooperation that benefits the healthcare system.

The equal cooperation between the health service partners.

Value aim
A healthcare professional and a healthcare company enter into a valuable collaboration that benefits the patient.
Our team

Jan Nordkvist
Exhibition manager and owner

Rikke Kildetoft

Karen Kirkeby Tscherning
Are you interested in hearing more?
Contact us
We are ready to plan and execute the exhibition administration for your next conference. Contact us today to hear more about what we can do for you and your organization.