XX Årsmøde i
Dansk Selskab for
Hoved- & Halskirurgi 11. – 12. april, 2024
On behalf of DSOHH (Danish Society of Otorhinolaryngology) we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at this meeting.
Each year, approx. 300 otolaryngologists from all over the country, both from the practice and hospital sectors, which is why DSOHH's annual meeting is a unique opportunity to meet a large part of the Danish otolaryngologists.
Oto-rhino-laryngology includes the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, palliation and rehabilitation of patients with diseases, congenital diseases and injuries to the ears, nose, sinuses, oral cavity, salivary glands, throat, throat, neck soft tissue incl. glandula thyroid, glandulae parathyroid, mediastinum, bronchial, oesophagus and facial skeleton.
Danish Society of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (shortened DSOHH) was established in 1899 as a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information and views between physicians engaged in oto-rhino-laryngology. Since then, the society has held nearly 900 scientific meetings and been involved in all aspects of the thesis, from scientific lectures to specialist medical education, continuing education, conducting of Scandinavian congresses and a number of organizational issues.
Program and information
We expect approx, 300 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Herunder er et preliminært program
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held separately from the academic programme. In the Walking Hall and Hall C.
Hotel and extra catering
ekstra forplejning og værelser kan bookes via link som bliver sendt ud når vi har modtaget dette
på vej
Hotel Nyborg Strand
Østerøvej 2, 5800 Nyborg
Contact ConEx at info@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
We hope to you you at this DSOHH meeting.
Exhibitors the previous years
Abena A/S
Abigo Pharma A/S
A-Data A/S
Alere A/S
Allergan ApS
Ambu A/S
Art Design
BK Medical
BK Ultrasound
Carl Zeiss A/S
Circius Pharma
Cochlear Denmark
Danaflex A/S
Danish Health Care Design A/S
Ehticon – Johnson & Johnson
GM Medical A/S
GN Hearing Danmark
Hospitals- &Klinik specialisten
Inform A/S
Inomed Medizintechnik GmbH
Kapitex Scandinavien
Karl Storz Endoskopi
Kebomed A/S
Max Manus A/S
Meda AB
Mediq Danmark A/S
Natus Medical Danmark ApS
Olympus Danmark A/S
Omilon A/S
Ortus Medical
Oticon Medical
PO Medica AB
POA Pharma Scandinavia AB
ResMed Denmark A/A
Santax Medico
Siavantos A/S
Smith & Nephew A/S
SomnoMed Nordic AB
SOMNOmedics GmbH
Synmed Medicinteknik AB
Théa Nordic Denmark
VeriVita Aps
Exhibition price and booking
It is possible to choose between Gold, Silver and Standard exhibitor packages.
- Gold: 60,000 ex. VAT
Includes: 10m2 (2*5 m) stand, free choice of stand location in the
exhibitor area and standard package contents
- Silver: 30,000 ex. VAT
Includes: 6m2 (2*3 m) stand, free choice of stand location in the
exhibitor area and standard package contents
- General exhibition space: 15,000 ex. VAT
Includes: 4m2 (2*2 m) stand in the exhibition area - Extra 2 m2 (extra units of 1*2 m can be purchased) DKK 8,000 ex. VAT
På priserne vil der komme et adm. gebyr på 2000 kr
Stand location in the exhibitor area will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After registration, you will
be sent an email asking you to prioritize 3 stands, one of these wishes will be tried to be fulfilled.
Additional space can be purchased for all exhibitor packages if desired - this is ordered as
extra m2. upon registration, and can be purchased as an extra 1×2 m floor space, so that the stand becomes 1
m longer with unchanged depth.
Included in the exhibition packages are: stand, table and tablecloth. electricity (220V), daily
cleaning and break services (coffee/tea, fruit, ice water, rolls and cake).
Access to lectures and meetings is not included. If you wish to participate in the lectures, please contact the DSOHH secretary.
Lunch, dinner and overnight stay are not included. This is paid separately via the registration module on Hotel Nyborg Strand's website.
The registration form with prices for the individual stands is sent by separate email.
Exhibition area
The exhibition area will be located in Vandrehallen and floor C (see Figure 1).
As in previous years, the exhibitor area is located outside and next to the lecture hall (Room A, see figure 1). Serving will take place in this exhibitor area during all breaks (including lunch). In this way, we find that we keep the whole meeting more united.
We reserve the right to make changes to the line-up if there are only a few orders. Allocation of stands will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, as we will take into account the exhibitors' desire for location as far as possible.
The ceiling height in the exhibition hall is 4.5 m
Af hensyn til de øvrige udstillere bedes det aftales på forhånd, hvis I ønsker at nedtage standen før mødets afslutning.
DSOHH will send an invoice via ConEx. If we are not created in your system, here is a document to get it done.
Brevpapir ConEx
Accommodation and catering can be ordered directly from Hotel Nyborg Strand if desired. This order will open soon on the hotel's website.
Figure 1 – sketch of the exhibitor area (Vandrehallen and Hall C) – the sketch is not to scale
Opsætning og nedtagning
Opsætning af stande: d. 11 april fra kl. 6.30
(Det er som udgangspunkt ikke muligt at sætte op dagen før, da vi måler op mv aftenen før.)
Nedtagning af stande: d. 12 april efter sidste pause
Hvis i skal sende materialer til hotellet kan det sendes til modtagelse d. 10 april med afhentning d. 13. april
Husk at mærke jeres gods med DSOHH, Virksomhed, ConEx 11-12 april


Ordering a stand. Write, in the Stand size field, whether you want Gold, Silver or regular stand.
Book din stand herunder
English (UK)