Scandinavian College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting
April 27 – 29, 2016
This meeting is organized in April 2016 by the Scandinavian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (SCNP). We (KongresKompagniet and Con.Ex) are contacting you on behalf of the organizing committee.
SCNP (Scandinavian College of Neuropsychopharmacology) is the leading psychopharmacology organisation in the Nordic countries; Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland.
Programme and information
Its mission is to promote research and education in neuropsychopharmacology. It also provides advice on all aspects of neuropsychiatric drugs. Through these activities, it seeks to advance research thus leading to improved patient care.
The aim of the society is to promote scientific collaboration broadly speaking in the area of neuropsychopharmacological research, promoting scientific discussion and exchange of experience among the Nordic and Baltic countries. The annual scientific meeting is the main manifestation of this collaboration.
After several years in Copenhagen, the venue will be Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus. The meeting is organized by the SCNP with professional help from a congress firm (KongresKompagniet and Con.Ex).
This is an annual meeting organized by the Society, founded in 1958 (
The annual meeting is expected to draw 150-200 participants. The costs will be borne partly by the participants from sponsor agreements. The participants have different backgrounds: researchers, clinicians, students, and newly qualified doctors.
We intend to organize the congress with a perfect mix of scientific lectures, posters and also lectures and workshops about career opportunities in academia and industry, and of course time for informal interaction between delegates, presenters and exhibitors.
Poster sessions and exhibitions will take place in the hall close to the conference rooms, and this is also where coffee breaks will take place.
Moesgaard Museum
Moesgård Allé 15, DK-8270 Højbjerg
Please contact Jan Nordkvist via, if you wish to participate or need further information.
Deadline for registration is December 31, 2019.
We hope to see you at the DOS meeting 2020.
Exhibitors the previous years
Exhibitors in 2015:
- Janssen
- Lundbeck
- Shire
Exhibition price and Booking
The standard exhibition fee includes:
* Exhibition area
* Wireless internet
* Logo on the SCNP website
* Lunch and coffee
* Possibility to participate in all scientific lectures
* Social arrangements (separate fee for gala dinner).
* A list of all participants will be distributed to exhibitors.
The exhibition can take place during the whole meeting from 28-29 April
There is of course also opportunities to sponsor conference material, specific lectures or meals. We hope for a good dialog with all potential exhibitors and welcome other suggestions that can create a fruitful interaction.
Exhibition only
Exhibition space only – DKK 3.750 pr. Sq. (ex. VAT)
- Space only, exhibition including one table, two chairs and one power socket.
- The minimum booth size is 4m2 (2x2m). Just tell us how many sq. you need.
- F&B for 2 booth representatives.