NUGA 2021 webinar March 22, 2021

On behalf of the Nordic Urogynecological Association (NUGA), we now offer the opportunity to participate as sponsors at this virtual meeting. 


To Potential Sponsors,

We are pleased to invite you to be part of NUGA 2021 webinar! NUGA is a nonprofit committee of urogynecologists from all Nordic countries. The purpose of NUGA is to organize and plan bi-annual meetings in the Nordic countries for urogynecologists and other healthcare workers emphasizing the latest updates in the field of urology and urogynecology. Our purpose is also to give young scientists the opportunity to present their work. The profits of the meeting is used to give out Research Grants and prizes. The meeting will take place online.

The meeting attendees will predominantly be gynecologists and urogynecologists treating female patients with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse on a daily basis, but we also expect a number of urologists, general practitioners, continence nurses, and other allied health workers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Topics of this Meeting will include: diagnosis, conservative, pharmacological and surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, as well as related aspects of pelvic floor function and dysfunction.

We look forward to hearing from you.

NUGA Board


Rune Svenningsen (NO), MD, PhD

Mette Hornum Bing (DK), MD, PhD

Kristin Jonsdottir (IS), MD

Kirsi Kuismanen (FI) MD, PhD

Riffat Cheema (SE) MD, PhD


Please contact Mette Benzon at, if you wish to participate or need further information.


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