14th World Congres of Nurse Anesthetists – 2nd-5th may, 2022
Itis held on 29 nov. – 1. Dec, 2021
Read more here: Nordcoag 2021 | Nordic Coagulation Meeting 29 November – 1 December 2021 2021
Programme and information
This is the 54th Nordic Coagulation Meeting – NordCoag2021
The annual conference gathers researchers and scientists within the field of thrombosis and haemostasis from all over the world. In 2021, the meeting will be arranged at hotel Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden.
Our ambition is to create a meeting for everybody with an interest in coagulation. The venue itself is connected to the golden era of coagulation as it was chosen as the meeting point for the NordCoag conferences hosted by the late professor Inga-Marie Nilsson in Malmö. Here we will put together a scientific programme based on the strong Nordic history of coagulation research and an aim of exploring the new frontiers of laboratory and clinical coagulation.
Come and join the golden era of coagulation with us in 2021.
The meeting is organised by an organisation committee that consist of the following dedicated coagulationists:
Fariba Baghaei, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg
Inger Fagerberg Blixter, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg
Kerstin Gustafsson, Linköping University Hospital
Andreas Hillarp (President), Oslo University Hospital, Oslo
Margareta Holmström, Linköping University Hospital
Tomas Lindahl, Linköping University Hospital
Sofia Ramström, Örebro University Hospital
The scientific programme is supported by the coagulation centres in Gothenburg, Linköping and Malmö.
Warm welcome to NordCoag2021 at Tylösand!
For much more information about the exhibition, please contact
Linus Engdahl
Halmstad Event
Phone: +46 70 655 11 55
E-mail: linus.engdahl@halmstadevent.se