Det 29. Landssymposium i Neonatologi 22. – 24. september 2022
Nu kan vi udbyde muligheden for at deltage som udstiller.
Der er tale om 2 1/2 dage med udstilling torsdag og fredag.
Program and information
Program 29. neonatalsymposium 22.-24.9.2022_9
We expect approx, 150 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.
Coffee and tea will be served in the exhibition area.
Foreløbig standtegning: Hotel Svendborg NEO 2022 Tegning
Hotel rooms
Contact the hotel if overnight accommodation is required
Hotel Svendborg, Centrumpladsen 1, 5700 Svendborg
Contact ConEx at, If you have questions.
We hope to you you at the meeting.
Exhibitors the previous years
- ABIGO Pharma A/S
- Chiesi
- Dameca
- Dräger
- Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
- GM Medical
- Hardam A/S
- Intramedic A/S
- JB Care
- Nestlé Danmark A/S
- NMD Care ApS
- Nutricia
- Radiometer Danmark
- Timik ApS
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,500
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 1.800,- (gebyret går ikke til arrangøren)
(Includes, for example, logo on
Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25 sqm.
Price example:
2,25 m2 x 2.500= 5.625 + 1.800 = DKK 7.425,- for den mindste standstørrelse.
The exhibition price does not include catering. booking of this will follow in a link.
Vi starter salg af stande i alle størrelser, med en mindste standstørrelse på 1,5×1,5. Jeres tilmelding er en forhåndsbooking. Vi tegner en tegning, som løbende vil blive godkendt af hotellet, og når det ikke er forsvarligt at have flere udstillere, så lukker vi. Det er for at imødese de restriktioner der er i forbindelse med Covid-19 MEN også for at jer som har tilmeldt jer i god tid, har en ordentlig oplevelse med det i booker.
THEREFORE, hurry to book, and if it requires a lot of internal approvals, book anyway. It is, as I said, just an advance booking. When you get a contract from me and it is returned signed, then the stand is yours.


English (UK)