FS32 Landskonference 13. – 14. marts 2024 (Sygeplejersker der arbejder med Udvikling og Forskning)

On behalf of the FS32, we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the spring course.

The course is two days.

Read more about the society here


Program og information


Sygeplejersken som knudepunkt


Program Landskonference 2024

We expect approx, 100 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.

Exhibition area
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.

It is possible to bring a slide inside the room. It can display the product, description and what you can see on the stand. You don't need to buy a stand to get a slide with you.

Advertisement in "Forstyrrelsen"
At the beginning of March there is a deadline if you want to have an advertisement in the association's magazine. Contact person is birgitte.lerbaek@rn.dk



Scandic Sydhavn

Sydhavns Pl. 15, 2450 København


Contact ConEx at info@conex.dk, if you would like to participate as an exhibitor or ad content.

We hope to see you at the event!

Exhibitors the previous years

Pharma Nord ApS

Din Sundhedsfaglige A-Kasse





VAR Healthcare






Konferencen afvikles i lokalerne Scandium+Titanium og udstillingsstandene vil være placeret i lobbyområdet foran mødelokalet.

Opsætning: d. 13 marts fra kl. 7 ( vi ved ikke endnu om det er muligt at stille op aftenen før, da dette afhænger af om hvorvidt hotellet har booket et arrangement der)   

Nedtagning: efter sidste pause d. 14 marts kl. 15 


2 stk forplejning inkluderet ( ikke inkl. Middag, som skal bookes seperat) 

Ekstra forplejning: 

Pris for dagsforplejning(formiddagsbuffet, frokost med Scandic vand, eftermiddagsbuffet samt kaffe/te) er DKK 589,- pr. person.

Ønskes sodavand til frokosten er der et tillæg på DKK 40,- pr. person herfor.

Ønsker udstillerne at deltage i middagen(2 retter, chefs choice) om aftenen koster dette DKK 390,- pr. person ekskl. drikkevarer.

Hotel rooms

Skal selv bookes via hotellet 



Exhibition price and booking

The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:

Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 1,800
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 2.000,-

(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)

Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 2 = 3 m2

Price example:
3 m2 x 1.800= 5.400 + 2.000 = DKK 7.400,- for den mindste standstørrelse.

The price includes exhibition in the coffee break area, chair and table at the exhibition stand, and access to the annual meeting for two stand representatives, including meals and refreshments. Participation in the dinner is not included. All extra staff must pay separately for meals and refreshments.

Slide in the plenary room

A powerpoint slide that is presented during the breaks. It can contain whatever you want and costs 1,500 ex. VAT.



https sg0.pharmanord.com 1 1060.th4
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VAR healthcare tagline mint blue
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