Årsmøde for Fagligt Selskab for Gastroenterologiske Sygeplejersker 8. – 9. november 2024
On behalf of the Society of Gastroenterological Nurses we now offer the possibility to participate as exhibitor at this meeting.
Read more about the society here
Program and information
Numbers of delegates
We expect approx, 120 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.
Alle udstillerne vil stå samlet i samme område
Representatives from the exhibiting companies can attend the dinner. A form is submitted for registration.
Hotel rooms
Der skal selv bookes værelser til repræsentanterne
Budget til Conex v2- Odense Congress center 8-9 november 2024
Odense Congress Center
Ørbækvej 350, 5220 Odense
Contact ConEx at info@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
Vi håber at se jer på FS Gastro mødet.
Exhibitors the previous years
Exhibitors spring 2023
- Kebomed
- Nestlé
- Ferring
- Galapagos
- Tillotts Pharma
- Orion Pharma
- Janssen
- Bauta forsikring
- Mediq
- Pharmacosmos
- Takeda
- Olympus Danmark
- Eli Lilly
- Santax
- Duomed
- Pharmaforce
- Norgine
- Reckitt
- KaroPharma
- Simonsen & Weel A/S
- Fresenius Kabi
- Orkla
- Getinge A/S
- Recordati AB
Udstillere i 2021
- Santax Medico
- Calpro A/S
- Tillotts
- Pharmacosmos
- UpViser ApS
- Pharmaforce
- Hardam A/S
- Vingmed A/S
- Braun-Scandinavia A/S
- Boston Scientific Nordic AB
- Janssen Cilag
- Takeda
- Micrel Medical Devices
- MEQnordic
- Pfizer
- Norgine
- Biodane Pharma
- Olympus
- Viatris
- MSD Danmark
- Paion
- Orkla
- Kebomed
Exhibitors in 2019
- BRAUN Scandinavian A/S
- Ferring
- Fineman A/S
- Hardam A/S
- Janssen-Cilag
- Kebomed A/S
- Kyowa Kirin
- Meda A/S
- Mediq Danmark
- Merit Medical
- MSD Danmark
- Mylan ApS Danmark
- Norgine DK A/S
- Olympus Danmark A/S
- Orkla Care A/S
- Pfizer ApS
- Pharmacosmos A/S
- Pharmaforce ApS
- Santax Medico A/S
- Sterilean ApS
- Takeda Pharma A/S
- Tillotts Pharma
- Upviser ApS
- Vifor Pharma Nordiska AB
- Vingmed ViCare A/S
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Mulighed nr. 1
Udstillingspris per m2: DKK 3.750,-
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 2.000,-
Inkl. 2 forplejninger, bord og stol på standen
Minimum standstørrelse: 1,5×2 = 3 m2
Mulighed nr. 2
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,500
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 2.000,-
Forplejning ikke inkluderet, alt forplejning skal bookes via mail der bliver sendt ud.
Der er inkl. bord og stol på standen
Minimum standstørrelse: 1,5×2 = 3 m2


Book din stand herunder
English (UK)