Dansk Urologisk Selskabs Årsmøde 17. – 18. november 2023 (DUS)
On behalf of the DUS, we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at this course.
This is 2 days. Friday and Saturday.
If you are also participating in YDU, please contact us.
Program and information
We expect approx, 150 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Exhibition area
Vandrehallen og lokale C, afskærmet fra offentligheden
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.
Coffee and tea will be served in the exhibition area.
We expect to be able to measure up and set up stands the evening before. But we will get more information about that when the meeting approaches.
Udstillere til YDUs møde, skal være opmærksomme på at disse udstillinger er i forskellige lokaler og derfor kan det være at der skal pakkes ned efter YDUs arrangement er slut.
Der kan først sættes op til DUS udstillingen, når vi har gjort klar til dette.
Hotel rooms
Contact the hotel if overnight accommodation is required
Er I interesseret i et sponsorat, skal i tage kontakt til selskabet
Pris for sponsoraterne er: 60.000 DKK hvis man står for alt selv og 70.000 hvis selskabet skal ind over . Hør mere om dette ved at tage kontakt til : borre@clin.au.dk
Hotel Nyborg Strand
Contact ConEx at info@conex.dk, If you have questions.
We hope to you you at the meeting.
Exhibitors the previous years
Exhibitors the last years:
- adCARE Medinteknik Urologi
- Ambu
- Apgar
- Astellas Pharma a/s
- AstraZeneca
- B. Braun Medical A/S
- Bayer
- Besins Healthcare Nordics
- BK Medical
- BL Medical ApS
- Bonvisi AB
- Boston Scientific Nordic AB
- Coloplast Danmark A/S
- Cook Medical
- Ferdinand Medical
- Ferring Lægemidler A/S
- Fischer Medical
- IBSA Nordic
- Ipsen
- Jannsen-Cilag
- Janssen Denmark
- Karl Storz Endoskopi Danmark A/S
- Medac Denmark
- Medistim Danmark
- Medtronic Danmark
- MEQnordic
- MLS Medical AS
- Navamedic Danmark Filial af Navamedic Sverige AB
- Normedi
- Olympus Danmark A/S
- Pharmaforce
- Pharmaprim AB
- Photocure
- Pnn Medical A/S
- Prostalund
- Sandoz
- Synmed Medicinteknik AB
- Vingmed
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Udstillingspris per m2: DKK 2.250,-
Administration fee: DKK 2,000,- Administrationfee is for an extern part.
(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)
Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 2 = 3 sqm
Price example:
3 m2 x 2,250 = 6,750 + 2,000 = DKK 8,750 for the smallest stand size.
We start selling stands in all sizes, with a minimum stand size of 1.5×2. Your registration is an advance booking. We draw a drawing, which will be approved by the hotel on an ongoing basis, and when it is not safe to have more exhibitors, we close.
THEREFORE, hurry to book, and if it requires a lot of internal approvals, book anyway. It is, as I said, just an advance booking. When you get a contract from me and it is returned signed, then the stand is yours.
Der er ikke inkluderet forplejninger i standprisen. Prisen for forplejninger er på vej
1 eller 2 dage?
Da vi gerne vil undgå store tomme rum på dag 2, må i meget gerne under kommentar feltet skrive ind om i regner med at blive begge dage. Det gør ikke nogen forskel i bookingsfasen for jer som udstiller, vi bruger blot dataen til vores standtegning og i forhold til forplejningsbookingen.
Hvis I ikke har taget denne beslutning endnu, kan i blot undlade at skrive noget under kommentarfeltet. Jeres beslutning er ikke låst fast og kan sagtens laves om.


English (UK)