Dansk Urogynækologisk Selskabs Årsmøde (DUGS) 3. november, 2022
På vegne af Dansk Urogynækologisk Selskab (DUGS) udbyder vi nu muligheden for at deltage som udstiller ved efterårsmødet. Der er tale om 1 dag.
DUGS has existed since 2005 as an interdisciplinary association for nurses, physiotherapists and physicians with an interest in urogynecology.
Formålet er at fremme fagligheden gennem udveksing af information samt afholdelse af kurser, og være kontaktorgan til beslægtede nationale og internationale sammenslutninger.
Udstillingen afholdes både i offentligt og lukket rum.
Program and information
DUGS kursusdag 3. nov 2022 – program version 1
Hotel Covid 19 guidelines
Numbers of delegates
We expect approx, 100 participants from Denmark.
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.
Other sponsor opportunities
Det er muligt at sponsorere keyhangers, tasker eller andet. Bare skriv til Rikke på rk@conex.dk if you are interested.
Hotel rooms
Agreed with the conference venue directly
Comwell Middelfart
Karensmindevej 3, 5500 Middelfart
Tlf: 63 41 81 00
Please contact Rikke at rk@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
We hope to see you.
Exhibitors the previous years
Exhibitors 2022
- Danish Healthcare Design A/S
- Fischer Medical
- BK Medical
- Navamedic AB
- Pharmaforce
- Kebomed
- Axonics Womens Health
- MEQnordic A/S
- Medtronic
- Normedi Danmark
- Apgar Danmark A/S
Udstillere i 2020
- BK Medical
- Pharmaforce
- Normedi Nordic
- Journl
- Contura international A/S
- Kebomed
- Medtronic
- Baxter
Exhibitors in 2019
- Astellas
- Boston Scientific Nordic
- Kebomed
- Sacomed
- Apgar
- Fischer Medical
- Journl
- Contura
Exhibitors in 2018
- Contura
- Pierre Fabre
- Normedi Nordic
- Fischer
- Qufora
- Kebomed
- Astellas
- BK Ultrasound
Exhibitors in 2017
- Allergan ApS
- Astellas Pharma A/S
- BK Ultrasound
- Contura International
- Fischer Medical ApS
- Kebomed
- Medtronic
- Nordisk Medicin & Teknik
- normedi
- Pharmaforce ApS
- Pierre Fabre Pharma Norden AB
- Prostalund
- Qufora
- Allergan
Exhibitors in 2016
- Astellas Pharma A/S
- BK Ultrasound
- Coloplast
- Contura
- Covidien Danmark ApS
- Fischer Medical
- GB Pharma
- Kebomed
- Navamedic Nordisk Medicin & Teknik AB
- Normedi Nordic
Exhibitors in 2015
- Allergan Aps, c/o Allergan Norden AB
- BK Medical
- Coloplast Danmark A/S
- Contura International A/S
- Hunter Urology
- Medtronic Danmark A/S
- Navamedic A/S
- Nordisk Medicin & Teknik AB
- Normedi Nordic
- Upviser aps
Exhibition price and booking
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,000
Administration fee: DKK 1.800,- Administrationfee is for an extern part.
Minimum standstørrelse: 1,5 x 3 = 3 m2.
Price example:
3 m2 x 2,000 = 6,000+ 1,800 = DKK 7,800 for the smallest stand size.
The price includes exhibition in the coffee break area, chair and table at the exhibition stand, and access to the annual meeting for two stand representatives, including meals and refreshments. Participation in the dinner is not included. All extra staff must pay separately for meals and refreshments.


Book din stand herunder
English (UK)