Dansk Selskab for Medicinsk Genetik Årsmøde 12. – 13. april, 2024
On Behalf of DSMG we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the summer course.
The course is two days.
Program and information
We expect approx, 150 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held separately from the academic program. In a partially public space.
Hotel rooms
Agreed with the conference venue directly
Selskabet laver en konkurrence for deltagerne hvor I som udstillere finder på et spørgsmål, som kan besvares ved besøg i jeres udstilling. Bland de rigtige besvarelser trækkes der lod om en symbolsk præmie…
Husk derfor at sende et spørgsmål ved tilmelding
Hotel Koldingfjord
Fjordvej 154, 6000 Kolding
Contact ConEx at info@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
We hope to you you at the meeting.
Former exhibitors
Udstillere i 2023:
- ARCEDI Biotech Aps
- Healthincode
- TrioLab A/S
- Blueprint Genetics
- TrioLab A/S
Exhibitors 2022
- Triolab A/S
- Blueprint Genetics
- Triolab A/S
- ARCEDI Biotech Aps
- Centogene GmbH
Fredag 12.04.2024:
Frokost inkl. 1 vand: kr. 294,00
Eftermiddagsforplejning: kr. 110,00
2-retters middag inkl. 2 glas vin: kr. 596,00
Overnatning i enkeltværelse inkl. morgenmad: kr. 1.100,00 ( tag direkte kontakt til hotellet)
Lørdag 13.04.2024:
Formiddagsforplejning: kr. 110,00
Frokost inkl. 1 vand: kr. 294,00
Stand inventar:
Rundt højbord ø78 inkl. hvid dug: kr. 75,00 pr. stk.
Konferencebord 50 x 120 cm inkl. hvid dug: kr. 75,00 pr. stk.
Konferencestol kr. 25,00 pr. stk.
Ved bestilling bliver der vedlagt et adm. gebyr på 40 kr
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,000
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 2.000,- Administrationsgebyr til ekstern part (gebyret går ikke til arrangøren)
(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)
Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 2 = 3 sqm
Price example:
3 m2 x 2.000 = 6.000 + 2.000 = DKK 8.000- for den mindste standstørrelse.
The price includes an exhibition in the coffee break area, chair and table on the stand as well as access to the meeting incl. catering for two people on the stand.
Dinner attendance is not included. All extra staff wishing to participate must pay for this.


English (UK)