DSGH Årsmøde 13. – 14. september, 2024
On Behalf of DSGH (Danish Society for Gastroenterology & Hepatology) we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the autumn course. Exhibition is held friday.
Der er ikke flere pladser på dette arrangement
Program and information
DSGH budget årsmøde 2024 (uden moms regnskab)_final
We expect approx, 120 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Exhibition area
DSGH Comwell Kolding Teatersal og Intermezzo Model
The exhibition is held separately from the academic programme. In a partially public space. DSGH will endeavor to keep the area closed to the public. There is no natural review for other participants who have nothing to do with the meeting.
Vi har fået hotellets lovning på at der ved udlejning af mødelokalet “Skovbrynet” på første sal, vil blive lukket for adgangen til udstillingsområdet. Trappen vil blive blokkeret. Indgangen til Intermezzo området vil blive afskærmet fra receptionen, med markering af begrænset adgang kun for sundhedspersonale.
The exhibition space is cut off from the professional programme. The participants' meeting is held separately from the sponsorship and exhibition area.
Exhibitors with prescription medication must exhibit in a room with no public access. If, on the other hand, they participate without their prescription medication, they can stand in a public area.
Hotel rooms
Agreed with the conference venue directly
Comwell Kolding
Skovbrynet 1, 6000 Kolding
Former exhibitors
Exhibitors 2022
- Janssen
- Pharmacosmos
- Takeda Pharma A/S
- Ferring Lægemidler A/S
- Unimedic
- Calpro A/S
- BMS x
- Tillotts Pharma
- Medkoncept A/S
- Pfizer
- Santax Medico
- Pharmanovia Nordics
- Norgine Denmark A/S x
- Synmed Medicinteknik AB
- Bayer
- Mediplast A/S
- AbbVie x
- Galapagos
- Kebomed
- orionpharma
- Abcur AB / advanzpharma
- Siemens Healthineers
- Olympus
Exhibitors 2021
- Advanz Pharmaceuticals
- Braun-Sandinavia A/S
- Calpro A/S
- Cook Medical
- Ferring
- Janssen Cilag
- Kyowa Kirin
- Medtronic
- MSD Danmark
- Navamedic DK
- Norgine
- Pfizer
- Pharmacosmos
- Pharmaforce ApS
- Pharmanovia
- Siemens Healthineers / Siemens Healthcare A/S
- Sobi A/S
- SynMed
- Takeda
- Tillotts Pharma
- Unimedic
Kontakt venligst Rikke eller Karen på info@conex, hvis I ønsker at deltage som udstillere.
We hope to you you at this DSGH meeting.
Intermezzo og ned mod teatersalen
Opsætning: d. 13 sep. fra kl. 7 om morgenen.
Vi prøver at få gjort klar om aftenen før, men dette afventer vi godkendelse fra hotellet om
Nedtagning: efter sidste pause d. 13 september kl. 16:15
2 stk dagsforplejning inkluderet
Ekstra forplejning:
Hotel rooms
Skal selv bookes via hotellet
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,350
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 2.000,- Administrationsgebyr til ekstern part (gebyret går ikke til arrangøren)
(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)
Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 2 = 3 sqm
Price example:
3 m2 x 2.350 = 7.050 + 2.000 = DKK 9.050,- for den mindste standstørrelse.
Prisen inkluderer udstilling i kaffepauseområdet, stol og bord på standen samt adgang til mødet og forplejning for to pr. stand. Evt. deltagelse ved middag er ikke inkluderet. Al personale, som ønsker ekstra forplejning, skal betale herfor


Book din stand herunder
English (UK)