DSGH Årsmøde 3. – 4. september, 2021

On Behalf of DSGH (Danish Society for Gastroenterology & Hepatology) we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the autumn course. Exhibition is held friday.

Read more about the society here

You can read all about the meeting here, this site will be updated. 

Program and information


Program 2021_DSGH årsmøde


Budget 2021_v1.0

We expect approx, 120 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.

Exhibition area
The exhibition is held separately from the academic program. In a partially public space. DSGH will work to keep the area closed to the public.

Hotel rooms

Agreed with the conference venue directly


Comwell Kolding

Skovbrynet 1, 6000 Kolding


Please contact Jan Nordkvist on jnt@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.

We hope to you you at this DSGH meeting.

Exhibition price and booking

The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:

Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,200
Administration fee: DKK 1,600

(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)

Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25 sqm.

Price example:
2.25 m2 x 2,000 = 4,950 + 1,600 = DKK 6,550 for the smallest stand size.

The price includes exhibition in the coffee break area, chair and table at the exhibition stand, and access to the annual meeting for two stand representatives, including meals and refreshments. Participation in the dinner is not included. All extra staff must pay separately for meals and refreshments.


KyowaKirin BrandLogo color 002
pharmanovia logo dark blue rgb
Calprologo with dotts
Tillotts Logo GI health is our passion scaled
Why North East England logo msd
Pfizer Logo Color RGB scaled
Siemens nyt 1024x240 1
takeda logo big
swedish orphan biovitrum ab sobi logo vector
SYNMED logo jpg
advanz pharma

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