DØNHO (Danske ørenæsehalslægers organisation) – 18/11-2022
On behalf of DØNHO (Danish Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors' Organisation), we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at this meeting.
The practicing ear doctors are organized in the Danish Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors Organization (DØNHO). The organization was founded in 1981 by merging the Provincial Organization of Ear Doctors, founded in 1919, and the Copenhagen Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors Organization, founded in 1908. In 1994, the organization had 282 members, of which 179 had an external number.
Program and information
We expect approx, 100 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
It will be practicing specialist doctors who teach – mainly at least – also about practical operational conditions, professionally difficult patients etc.
Exhibition area
The exhibition is held seperate from the educational program.
Hotel rooms
Agreed with the conference venue directly
Hotel Svendborg
Centrumpladsen 1, 5700 Svendborg
Contact Jan Nordkvist jnt@conex.dk, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
We hope to you you at the meeting.
Exhibition price and booking
The price for participating with an exhibition stand is as follows:
Exhibition fee per m2: DKK 2,100
Administrationsgebyr: DKK 1.700,- Administrationsgebyr til ekstern part (gebyret går ikke til arrangøren)
(Includes, for example, logo on www.conex.dk) www.conex.dk)
Minimum stand size: 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25 m2
Price example:
2,25 m2 x 2.100 = 4.725 + 1.700 = DKK 6.425,- for den mindste standstørrelse.
The price includes exhibition in the coffee break area, chair and table at the exhibition stand, and access to the annual meeting for two stand representatives, including meals and refreshments. Participation in the dinner is not included. All extra staff must pay separately for meals and refreshments.


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English (UK)