25.-26. November 2019
On behalf of DUGS (Danish Urogynecological Society) we now offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the autumn course. It's 1 day.
Read more about the society here
We expect approx, 100 participants from Denmark, for a couple of educatonal days.
Trinity Hotel og Konference Center A/S
Gl. Færgevej 30, Snoghøj
DK-7000 Fredericia
Tlf.: (+45) 82 27 17 17
Please contact Jan Nordkvist on, if you wish to participate as exhibitors.
Vi håber at se jer til årsmødet d. 8. januar 2016!
Exhibitors the previous years
Exhibitors in 2015
- Allergan Aps, c/o Allergan Norden AB
- BK Medical
- Coloplast Danmark A/S
- Contura International A/S
- Hunter Urology
- Medtronic Danmark A/S
- Navamedic A/S
- Nordisk Medicin & Teknik AB
- Normedi Nordic
- Upviser aps