Clinical Research Week Partnerships Forum
September 24 – 25, 2015
Pfizer, Novartis, J&J, Roche and many more major companies are attending our third annual Clinical Research Week in Munich on September 24 – 25, 2015.
Programme and information
The primary focus of this event is on outsourcing services.
There remain outstanding opportunities for solution providers to meet 1-2-1 and to present to these key decision-makers in an environment designed for doing business.
Clinical Research Week: Advancing Partnerships, Innovation & Development in Clinical Trials, September 24 – 25, 2015, Munich.
1-to-1 partnering sessions will give pharmaceutical companies a chance to benchmark their current processes, while allowing firms to meet attendees, who are actively seeking new partnerships. Opportunities include new areas of collaboration and routes to improve development whilst accelerating launch times.
Sponsorship offers
There are different Event Partner Packages to choose from.
For further information or registration, please contact Kindly inform them that you received the information from Con.Ex and get a 20% discount on the registration.