4th Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Head and Neck Surgery – November 28-30, 2016
On behalf of the 4th Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Head and Neck Surgery, we now offer the opportunity to exhibit at their event.
The duration of the exhibition will be 3 days with changing audience.
The 4th Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Head and Neck Surgery will exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Drug manufactures, Clinical Trial Sites, Management Consultants, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.
Programme and information
Why to attend Head & Neck Surgery-2016?
- Best platform to develop new partnership & collaborations.
- Best location to speed up your route into every territory in the World.
- 89% our conference attendees are the Key contact in their labs purchasing decisions.
- Our exhibitor booths were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the attendees during the conference.
- Past exhibitor’s feedback reveals ample of enquiries perceived from the conference attendees.
- Network development with both Academia and Business.
Exhibitor benefits:
- One exhibit booth (Size-3X3 sqm).
- 1 page publication of the exhibitor profile in the souvenir- Head & Neck Surgery-2016.
- Promotion through the conference website.
- Promotional video on company products during the conference (Post session and Breaks).
- One complimentary scientific program registration.
- Logo recognition in the Scientific program, Conference banner and flyer.
- One A4 flyer insert in the conference kit.
- An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award.
- Post conference -submission of the mailing list.
Hilton San Antonio Airport
611 NW Loop 410
San Antonio,
Texas, 78216 USA
Mail us at
- Drop us an email for Program enquiry.
- headnecksurgery@conferenceseries.net
- Sponsors / Exhibiting / Advertising.
- headnecksurgery@omicsgroup.com
- General Queries.
- headnecksurgery@conferenceseries.com