48th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, September 14 – 17, 2019
The Conference has an important role of educating, exchanging information and experience, utilizing the expertise of health care professionals, service leaders, academics, researchers, care givers, people with renal disease and industry partners, from around 70 countries. All participants come together to share innovations and knowledge and we always strive to make it an unforgettable Conference, this year in the historical city of Genoa.
Programme and information
The Conference is a showcase for the latest technology and innovation in the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease and our delegates are keen to view novel therapies, products and services at the exhibition area in conjunction with the excellent Scientific Programme.
This year’s Conference therefore provides an invaluable opportunity for industry partners that would like to promote their therapies & products not only across Europe, but around the world.
As long as we arrive with a burning question, every conversation we have brings us closer to the answers we seek. Asking so many of our colleagues outside of a conference would be immensely time consuming, and we’d miss the interplay of asking a group of people at the same time and hearing lively debates to our questions.
To join the EDTNA/ERCA Community is about meeting new people and building new friendships or professional relationships. It’s where we connect and reconnect with colleagues and friends and a chance to have those rare conversations.
We are following the rules and the provisions of the EFPIA and the MedTech Europe Association. The Process is confirmed for the 48 EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, Prague, Czech republic , September 14-17, 2019, please see below:
GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR EFPIA – The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe.
March 14 – Registration is recommended to do 6 months prior to the event
March 15 – June 13 – They will do a Preliminary assessment
June 14 – Final Assessment & expected Approval
GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MedTech Europe Association – MedTech Europe is the European trade association for the medical technology industry including diagnostics, medical devices and digital health.
Registration is recommended 5 months prior of the event, but no later than 3 months prior the event
April 15 – MedTech Europe Association – Registration for MedTech (Final Scientific Programme need to be ready when applying)
April 16 – May 15 – Assessment Process
May 15 – Final Assessment & Expected Approval
Pesti Vigadó
1051 Budapest,
Vigadó tér 2.
For Exhibition & Sponsorship information and applications please send your interest to Mr. Zoltán Révhegyi at Congress Office to revhegyi@congressline.hu or call +36 1 429 0146.